

Formed in year


Origin country

Forgotten heroes, massacred
Carnage scattered
Strewn with the wreckage of war
Sanguinary, savage melee
Slay en masse, orgiastic bloodbath

No more battle cries of screams of dying friends
No mourners lament or glorious funeral pyres
The dogs of war will gnaw my bones

Carcass remains, gangrenous rotting
Vultures descend, gorging on carrion
Gnashing teeth, slavering jaws
Tribal indeligible ageless
We celebrate our carnal nature
Bloodsmeared and naked, we dance under the horns

Idol of instinct, idol of lust
Dark lord of claw and fang

Unclean we enshrine the beast
With sacrificial altars of flesh and bone

Worship the animal
Drink the milk of Ceres
Dread elixir
Crude nauseous, willful poison
Healing wounds unhealed
Purge, vomit, convulse, collapse
I gain the knowledge
Separate mind from body
I break open the skull

Papaver somniferum
Amrosia of the ancients
Morpheus, God of dreams grants me
entrance to the den of the wicked
Anarchy of dreaming sleep summons
long dead harlots
I kiss the queen of hell
Cleansed from the dishonors of the grave

Potent destroyer of grief
Abyss of divine enslavement
Thou hast the key to paradise

Every night I descend into chasms
and sunless abysses, depths below depths
from which I am hopeless to reascend
Descendant world in a frenzy of evil,
slowly stripped of life
Raped of principles with a common reason
Justice for which we fight
Madmen stagger into power,
pulling strings from ivory towers
Vampire machines drain and devour,
as screams strike the hour

Do you ever feel frightened in the dead of night
Can you hear the children scream
Lurking witches coming for you
every night and every day, some good, some evil
but they all know where you are
Only thing to do is run away
or stay and be surrounded by fright

Innocent provoked, guilty set free
I don't know which way to go
What will they think of me when I lose control
Nightmare, reality, or am I just in hell
I think I'm on a one way ticket to being totally
surrounded by fright

Invisible parasite worming away at the brain,
driving me insane, do this, do that
You live then you die, burn me at the stake
We are the martyrs of tomorrow and today
Rise up from the fire and cry
surrounded by fright
Oasis, dark sanctuary. 
Night is born, heavy with passion. 
Shaman dance by the light of the Moon. 
Open your eyes to the song of the universe. 

Slowly we drag ourselves out of the primal slime. 
Slowly we arise to become mankind. 
Irrepressable we journey to Mecca. 

The heavens, the gods are all within you. 
Listen as the voice of reason speaks. 
The ranting and raving will tear the world apart. 

Ancient, alive, seething with power. 
Enigma of a single human heart. 
Monumental, neolithic. 
Bare your soul and enter Mecca. 

Come, arise from the primordial mud. 
Cloak thy nakedness. 
In the endless stuggle of the ages, 
give your spirit wings and fly.
Come and fly.
Burning of the Defeated
Dragging The fettered Rebels
To the Block of Slaughter

Decapitated Headless
Naked and Bound
Captives Adorn my Shield

Arms Tied behind their Backs
Lying Bound in Agony
Fiends Hold them with Ropes
Awaiting Beheadment and Mutilation

With Contempt for the Vanquished
We Exterminate the
Dwellers of the Eastern Desert

They are Doomed to Slaughter

We stab their bodies with Daggers
We Smash their Skulls with Clubs
We Crush their Bones
And Gash their Faces
Their Necks are Broken and Severed
Their Bowels are Gored with Spears
Yeah ! We Hack off their Limbs
And Cast the Phalluses
Into Pits of Fire

Smashing the Antiu
Zi Anna Kanpa
Zi Kia Kanpa

Gallu Barra
Namtar Barra
Ashak Barra
Gigim Barra
Alal Barra
Telal Barra
Masquim Barra
Utukku Barra

Idpa Barra
Lalartu Barra
Lalassu Barra
Akhkharu Barra
Urukku Barra
Kielgalal Barra
Lilitu Barra

Utuq Xul Edinazzu
Alla Xul Edinazzu
Gigim Xul Edinazzu
Mulla Xul Edinazzu
Dinger Xul Edinazzu
Masquim Xul Edinazzu
Barra Edinazzu

Zi Anna Kanpa
Zi Kia Kanpa

Aa-herit Nebu Huit-Ra
We come before Thee wearing serpent headed Masks
In sanguinary worship we offer the Tcheser-t Senfiu
The sacrificial drink of the Gods of Blood
in a goblet carved from a human skull

Fiendish blood drinking reptile Lord of the Ankhit-Thekh
rites of bloodfeast
We propitiate Thee with our own fluid of life
and the freely offered flesh of these ritual prostitutes
that Thou mayest copulate with thine self
and spill Thy seed upon the Black Earth

Aui-f-em-kha-nef Netri nek khefa
We don the Abui ames Machta the ceremonial two horned phallus
to become as like unto the two horned serpent god Sekhui
We besmear ourselves with the bloodseed of
the living serpent goddess Arati
And with curved blades
shed our skin
Wretched Fallen one of Khatti
Rise against the oppressing Sword
Encircled Abandoned Alone
I Smite the vile Hittite Foe

My Father Amon what carest Thee
For the Vile and Ignorant of God
My Father Amon what carest Thee
For these Effeminate ones
At millions of whom I groweth not Pale

Raging like Menthu like Baal in his Hour
Lo the mighty Sekhmet is with Me
I enter in among them even as a hawk striketh
I slay I hew to pieces and cast to the ground
The royal snake upon my brow
Spits forth Fire in the face of mine enemies
And Burneth their Limbs

My Chariot Wheels trample the Fallen
Cut to pieces before my Steeds
And laying
In their own Blood
I Crush the Skulls of the Dying
And Sever the hands of the Slain
I Ramses
Builder of Temples
Usurper of Monuments Slayer of Hittites
Bringer of War
Slaves Whipped to Death
In the Hot Sun
Drag the Stones of Sorrow

Vast Monolithic a Collossus of Stone
Greased with the Blood of Abraham

Of Human Bondage
and Suffering
We carve a monument to Megalomania

Bleak and Endless is my Sorrow
For the chain of Sut
Is around my Neck

Aperu Heseb Semedet!
It is I who lift up the arm of the Inert
I have gone out of Khemenu
and am no longer a living soul
I have been initiated into the hearts of the Baboons
And I claim Dominion over the legions
of Uninscribed Shabitiu
Khunumu Khufu!
The God Khnum is my Protector

Ia Namtaru
Ia Lammia
Ia Asaku
Ia Pazuzu

Ia Zixul zi Azkak
Ia Gula zi Pazu
Alal uggae Utukku Xul
Ia Ia Pazuzu

Ia Ningursu Ia Ia Umduggu
Shemti Shebui Nehenkau
Addu Nergal Arrallu

Nergal dread God of War and Plague
Avenge the shades of our Fallen ones
Blacken the sun with Fierce Winds
Bring forth your Terrible Storms!
Yea! Burn the flesh of our Enemies
Gash their throats with Weapons of Iron
Destroy Them utterly
With Locusts and Disease
Nafs I Ammara
Fana Azif
I am the Infidel

Fiendish Insects encircle Me
Howling Wind Wraiths
Surround my disembodied Ka

Hideous Unseen
Speaking in Tongues
Heard only by the Mad

Shrieking Insects Swarm over Me
Suffocate Me
Suffocate my Soul

Majnun I am Empty
Crawling Reptiles Devour my Soul
They utterly and completely Annihilate Me
I can hear the Howling of the Djinn
Echoing in the mountains of Kaf
Heralds of Pestilence
Blackest Plague Rusheth through the Land
Burning Evil Winds
Carry Sickness
Invoking the Bitter Venom of the Gods

Loathsome Sickening Stench of the Defiled
A Cesspool Breeding the Unclean
Hordes of Locusts
Fiends of the South Winds
Cleanse the Earth from the Impure

The Daemon That Siezeth the Body
The Daemon that Rendeth the Body

Ruthless and Profane
Lord of all Fevers and Plagues
Grinning Dark Angel of the four Wings
Spawn of Eng
Horned God with rotting Genitalia
I split open your Eyes for you
I open your mouth for you
With the Adze of Iron
Which split open the mouths of the Gods
The Iron which issueth from Set

With the Adze of Iron
I did clean your Bones
With Iron Hook and Chisel
I did scrape your Flesh
And separate your Bones for you

Sebau Fiends work Evil
On the Body

Raise yourself Asari
Receive your Head
Collect your Bones
Gather your limbs Together
Throw off the Earth from your Flesh
Khnemet-Ur cometh to Thee

With the Iron of Set
I hath Violated Thee
With this Phallus of Iron
I hath committed Sodomy upon Thee
And forced upon thee my Seed
In the cosmos
There is balm as well as bitterness
And that balm is Nepenthe.

Yet underneath endless oceans of sand
I have not forgotten
Those who had betrayed me.
Silent and unmovable,
I am not sorry
For I had hated the light.

Now I ride with the undead
Across the night-sky
And play by day
Amongst the catacombs of Nephren-Ka
In the sealed and unknown
Valley of Hadoth by the Nile.

I know that light is not for me
Save that of the moon over the rock tombs of Neb
Nor any debauchery save the unknown feasts of Nitokris
Beneath the great pyramid.

But in the loneliness of entombment,
I welcome the bitterness of alienage.

The scourge of Amalek is upon you, The seed of Amu hath oppressed you
They hath urinated upon you and made you eat feces
They know not Ra
They are the enemies of Asar, they hath defiled your tombs
Violated your women and made victims of your little ones
They hath befouled the writings of Thoth
They hath burned sacred papyri, they hath cracked open your heads
Smashed your teeth and gouged out your eyes
They hacked off your limbs and thrown your mutilated bodies
Towards the heavens mocking Ra
Let not their seeds multiply among you
Honour not their wretched little Gods
Crawl not on your bellies before them, war shall you make upon them
Plague and pestilence shall you call down upon them
You must destroy their seed utterly, you shall gash them with flints
You shall gore them with sticks, hack off their testicles
And cut their phalluses to pieces, suffer none of them to live
Dismemberment and slaughter shall you perform on them
The mighty Sekhmet will devour them
The chain of Sut is around their neck, Horus hammereth them
Nepthys hacketh them to bits, the eye of Ra eateth into their faces
Their carcasses will be consumed in the desert
The seed of Amu with perish utterly
Their filth shall never breed among you again
We shall blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under the sky.
Impure am I, impure I spill my seed upon barren earth
And spit in the faces of the Goddess, unclean am I
Unclean I copulate with the hands of the God
And defile the Gates of Ishtar
Unblessed am I, unrepentant
Buh Luh Uh
Si il Inanna
As Gi Su Ak
Gis Tes
Gis Tes
Unwashed am I, unwashed I lay violent hands
Upon the altar of the Goddess, in filth I lay, in filth I desecrate
And profane the Temple of Ishtar
And blaspheme in the presence of whores
Baad Angarru
Open the Gate that I may enter, open, lest I break down the walls
Open the Gate, lest I cause the dead to outnumber the living
Open the Gate, lest I cause the dead to rise and to devour the living
Withdraw Thy Phallus Baboui, open the Gates of the Dust
For I am Burning in Aataakhu, chains bind me, flames encircle me
And burn my flesh open
For Me the Gates Shall Open, over the Fire of the Spirit
The Breth Drawn by the Gods, arise Apophis Return
That I Might Return, borne by the Flame
Drawn by the Gods Who Clear the Way, that I Might Pass
The Gods Which Sprang from the Drops of Blood, which Dripped From
The Phallus of Set, that I might be Reborn
For I am Khetti Satha Shemsu, Seneh Nekai
And Will Become Set of a Million Years, Akhu Amenti Hekau
I shed My Burnt Skin and am Renewed

Evil sick flames cast uncertain shadowsin the dimly lit Temple of
Anhur as we count the dead and vanquished by hacking off their
phalluses and piling the severed hands before the living stone
image of God.
The shamed and humbled women of the subjugated kneel in hopeless
Aquiescence as we grasp them by the hair and force them to serve
our father Anhur.
Yea we impale them on the massive stone member of the Ithyphallic
War God until the backs of their throats are torn out and their
bowels are ripped apart.
One by one we force the female captives to serve the Ahati until
the Gods legs are awash with blood and his phallus drips with
red and black gore Un snem sheth tesher mekhsefu parthal m aba
neth Anhur.
We lay our bloodstained weapons of Iron on the altar of Anhur and
His Seed blesses us with strength to slay our enemies Like as unto
Menthu we have become Ithyphallic.
The mighty Sekhmet is with us.
Sep Au Hetep
Ab Au Mekhar Gau t Metkh
Mekhar t Khhert Ua an Aqu
Mekri Sau t Athien Hapti
Tehem Er Sa Msa
I Call Upon Thee My Father Amun for I am in the midst of A
Multitude of Foes
Abandoned by the Legions of Amun and Ra
Engulfed by the Heat of the Fire
Blood of the Impure Drips from my Weapons
Dismembered armies Rot in the Sun
Mekhi Kherit Au Aqu
Mtum thai Peten Nekht An Aqu
I am a Long Lived Snake, I Pass the Night and Am Reborn Every Day
I am the Snale which is in the Limits of the Earth
I Pass the Night and am Reborn, Renewed and Rejuvenated Every Day
I am a Crocodile immersed in Dread
I am the Crocodile who Takes by Robbery
I am the Great and Mighty Loathsome Reptile
Who is in the Bitter Waters
I am the Lord of those who Bow Down in Sekhem
Nas Aakhu Khan She en Asbiu
Ua tehani, Ua temam, Ua khames Re Per Akhu
Ua khames em bah khan She en Amu
Ua khames em bah khan She en Seshet
Temam aakhu Thaui, Temam aakhu Shemsu Satha
Saakhu Nebu Tchaut, Saakhu Nebu Khebentiu
Snemeh em bah Akhu-Ager
Tata ab uk em She en Asbiu
Ta-ua Akh uk em She en Nesersert
Meh u She en Shemmet, Meh u She en Shamu
Ua uk, Ua uk, Ua uk Aat en Khet
Ua uk, Ua uk, Ua uk
Desolate and Forsaken, Eerily Moaning Dark Winds
Murmur Incantations, Dusk Calls Forth Shadows
Spirits of the Glorious Dead Lingering, Bound to this Place
They Whisper of Untold Sagas, of Long Dead Cities
the Seven Shining Cities Sacred to the Aphkhallu
of Ages Past when the World was Young
When Babylon was Blessed of Marduk
and the Sound of her Armies was the Blare of Ominous War Horns
and the Clash of Immortal Cymbals
of Bronze Gates Arrayed in Splendour
and Magnificent Walls of Sunbaked Brick of Temples of Marble
and Bloodstained Altars, Long Before the Jeweled Throne of Ur
Fell Silent and Turned to Dust
Beneath the Endless Shifting Sands
and the Inevitable Vengeance of the Elements

Khetti Satha Shemsu
Khetti Satha Shemsu
Khetti Satha Shemsu
Khetti Satha Seneh
Khetti Satha Tehen
Khetti Satha Tua
Khetti Satha Kesu
Khetti Satha Sethes
Khetti Satha Sekhu
Khetti Satha Senes
Khetti Satha Suti
Khetti Satha Sekhem
Khetti Satha Sekhem
Khetti Satha Sekhem
Looked Down Upong With Scorn
We Work the Fields of the Masters
And Share Not the Bounty of the Black Earth

Destitute Servile Cast Out
Affording No Tomb
We Shall Be Buried
Unprepared in the Sand

We Shall Never Be The Blessed Dead

Scorned By Asar
Condemned at the Weighing of the Heart
We are Exiled from the Netherworld
Serpents fall Upon us Dragging us Away
Ammitt Who Teareth the Wicked to Pieces

Pale Shades of the UnBlessed Dead
None Shall Enter Without the Knowledge
Of the Magickal Formulas
Which is Given to Few to Possess

Not for Us to Sekhet Aaru
Our Souls Will be Cut to Pieces with Sharp Knives
Tortured Devoured
Consumed in Everlasting Flames

We Shall Never Be The Blessed Dead
Mut The Dangerous Dead
Trouble me No Longer
I Inscribe Thy Name
I Threaten Thee With The Second Death
I Kill Thy Name
And Thus I Kill Thee Again
In The Afterlife

Bau Terror of the Living
Angry Spirits of the Condemned Dead
I Write thy Name
I Burn Thy Name In Flames
I Kill Thy Name
And Thus Thee Are Accursed
Even Unto The Underworld

Mut The Troublesome Dead
Plague Me No Longer
Thou Art Cursed
Thy Name Is Crushed
Thine Clay is Smashed And Broken
Thy Vengeance Against The Living
Shall Come to Naught
Who Dares Disturb
My Blissful Sleep
Again in Anger
Must I Rise
How Long Unknown
I Lay Emtombed

My World
So Long Forgotten
Did Disown Me
I was Scorned

The Suffering They did Inflict

Stained With Cosmic Black Sins
The Sun No Longer Sets Me Free
Kheftin Asar Butbiu
Enemies of Osiris Who Are To Be Burned
Let There Be Fetters on Your Arms
Let There Be Shackles on Your Necks
Let There Be Chains Upon You
Ye Shall Be Hacked to Pieces For
What Ye Have Done To Osiris
You Have Put His Mysteries Behind Your Backs
You Hath Dragged the Statue of the God
From The Secret Place
You Hath Desecrated The Hidden Things of the
Great One
You Are Doomed To Stand And Receive in
Your Faces
The Fire Which Serpent Khetti Is About To
Spit At You

Great Serpent Who Lieth In Undulations
Before the Damned
Open Thy Mouth Distend Thy Jaws
Belch Forth Thy Flames Against My
Fathers Enemies
Burn Up Their Bodies
Consume their Souls
By the Fire Which Issueth From Thy Mouth
And By The Flames Which Art In Thy Body

The Fire Which Is in the Serpent Khetti
Shall Come Forth
And Blaze Against The Enemies of Osiris
Whosoever Knoweth How to Use
These Words of Power
Against the Serpent Shall Be As One
Who Doth Not Enter Upon His Fiery Path
Poureth Down Water From the Heavens
Tremble the Stars
Quake the Bones of Aker
Those Beneath Take Flight When They See
Unas Rising

The Akh of Unas Is Behind Him
The Conquerer Are Beneath His Feet
His Gods Are In Him
His Uraei Are on His Brow
The Words of Unas Protect Him
Unas This Bull of The Heavens
ThatTrusteth With His Will

Living On Utterances of Fire From
The Lake Of Flame
Unas That Devoureth Men and Liveth on The Gods

Behold Amkebu Hath Snared Them for Unas
Behold Tecber Tep F Hath Known Them and
Driven Them Unto Unas
Behold Her Tbertu Hath Bound Them
Behold Khensu The Slaughterer of Lords
Hath Cut Their Throats for Unas
Behold Shesemu Hath Cut Them Up For Unas

Unas Hath Ingested Their Spirits
Hath Feasted On Their Immortality
He Hath Consumed their Shadows
Unas The Slayer of the Gods

Unas The Sekhem Great
The Sekhem of the Sekhemn
Unas The Ashem Great
The Ashem of the Ashemn
Behold Orion
Unas Riseth

Unas Hath Taken Possession
of the Hearts of the Gods
Unas Feedeth on their Entrails
He Hath gorged on their Unuttered Sacred Words
He Hath Assimilated the Wisdom of the Gods
His Existence is Everlasting

Behold The Souls of the Gods are in Unas
Their Spirits are In Unas
The Flame of Unas in Their Bones
Their Shadows are With their Forms
Unas is Rising
Hidden Hidden
Am the Uncreated God
Before Me The Dwellers in Chaos are Dogs
Their Masters Merely Wolves
I Gather The Power
From Every Place
From Every Person
Faster Than Light Itself
Hail To He Who Is In The Duat
Who Is Strong
Even Before The Servants of Serpents
He Gathers The Power
From Every Pit of Torment
From They Who Hath Burnt in Flames
From Words of Power Uttered By the
Darkness Itself

Hail To He in The Pit
Who Is Strong
Even Before the Terrors of The Abyss
Who Gathers The Power
From The Wailing And Lamentations
Of The Shades Chained Therein
From He Who Createth Gods From
The Silence Alone
Whisper in the Ear of the UnBlessed Dead
And My Words of Power are Heard in
the Underworld
The Dead
They are Compelled to Obey Me
Even Unto the Worlds Below
Yea I Whisper in the Ear of the UnBlessed Dead
An they Heed my Necromantic Demands
For I have Bound Them
Cursed in this Life and the Next
I Whisper in the Ear of the UnBlessed Dead
And They Tell me Things No Living Man Knoweth
For I Have Taken Possession of their Shadows
And They re Mine To Command in
the Netherworld

I Dream of the Dead
And Their Shades Showeth Me Visions
Which No Living Man Can Know
I Whisper in the Ear of the Dead
And Mine is the UnWritten Knowledge
That Lieth Under The Black Earth

To Speak The Name of The Dead
Is To Cause Them to Live Again
Ashu Give us Power
To Oppose this Legion of Shrikes
They hath Defiled our Monuments and Graves
For their Greed of Treasure
Ashu Sehu Neferui Skhenn
We Are the Breath of Horns
Hot as the Desert Wind
We are Slayers and Reapers of Men
By the Arrow Shot from Lanata
You will Fall to your Knees Dead
or Begging Quarter
Torn to Shreds by Obese Vultures
Fossilized in the Desert Sand
We are the Breath of Horns
Hot as the Desert Wind
We are the Slayers and Reapears of Men
You will Never Escape
This Valley Gallala
Left to Decompose
Forbidden the Underworld
Bemused by Battle Lust
I Gash your Throat
And Splatter your Blood
Upon the Altar of Bes
We Erect one hundred Pyramids
With your Severed Heads
Ashu Sehu Neferui Skhenn
Through Subterranean Labyrinths of Catacombs
We Hath Crawled To Gather in this Dimly Lit
Hall Of Colossal Proportion
Which Few Ever See
Along Black Walls
Rise Tier after Tier of Carven Painted Sacrophagi
Each Standing in a Niche in the Stone
The Mounted Tiers Rising Up
To Be Lost in the Gloom Above
Thousands of Carven Masks
Stare Down Upon Us
We Who are Rendered Futile and Insignificant
By This Vast Array of the Dead

And Here I Stand
I who would be master of the Black Earth
Have summoned you here secretly
You who are faithful to me
To share in the Black Kingdom that shall nr
Tonight we shall witness
The breaking of the chains which Enslave us
And the birth of a Dark Empire

Who am I to know what powers lurk and and Dream
in these murky Tombs
They hold secrets forgotten for three thousand years
But I shall Learn They shall teach me
See how they sleep staring through their
Carven Masks
Priests Monks Acolytes Kheri Heb Rekbi Khet
The Mummified Remains of the Sacrificial Whores
of The Cannibalistic Serpent Cult s of Thirty
Centuries With Black Incantation and Foul
Necromantic Art
Propitiated with the Blood of the Living
We will waken them from their long Slumber
The Ancients knew Nay Commanded the
Words of Power
And shall teach them to Me
I shall restore them to Life
To Labour for my own Dark Imperial Desires
I will Waken Them Will Rouse Them
Will learn their forgotten Wisdom
The knowledge locked in those withered Skulls
By the Lore of The Dead
We shall Enslave the Living
Pharaohs and Priests long Forgotten
Shall be our Warriors and Slaves
Who will Dare to Oppose Us
Out of the Dust shall Avaris Rise

Foul Enemies of Ra who have Rebelled
Malicious Fiends
Spawn of Inertness Impotent Rebels
Nameless Filth
For whom Blazing Pits of Fire have been prepared
By the Command of Ra
Down Upon your Faces
You are overthrown
Your Skulls are Crushed in
You are Destroyed Annihilated
Gashed with Flints Your Windpipes Cut
The Joints of your Backs are Rent Apart

The Fire of the Eye of Horus is Upon You
Searching You Consuming You
Setting you on Fire Burning you To Ashes

Unemi The Devouring Flame Consumes You
Sekhmet The Blasting Immolation of the Desert
Maketh an End of You
Xul ur
Adjugeth you to Destruction
Flame Fire Conflagration Pulverize You

Your Souls Shades Bodies and Lives
Shall Never Rise Up Again
Your Heads Shall Never Rejoin your Bodies
Even The Words of Power
Of The God Thoth
The Lord of Spells
Shall Never Enable you to Rise Again

I knew they were Accursed
so remote were these nameless desert ruins
Crumbling and inarticulate the debris of
its collapsed walls was
Nearly hidden by the sands of the uncounted ages
It must have been thus before the first stones of
Memphis were laid
And the bricks of Babylon unbaked
Fear spoke from the age worn stones
This desolate survivor of the Deluge
This crumbling antidiluvial ancestor
Of the Eldest Pyramid

Only the grim brooding desert Gods
Knew what really took place here
What indescribable struggles and bloodshed
Awoke some distant throng of condemned spirits
And broke the tomblike silence of these crumbled
Time ravaged remains these night black ruins
Of some vanguished and buried Temple of Belial

But as the Night wind diad away
Above the desert rim rose the
Blazing edge of the morning sun
Which in my fevered state
I swore that from some remote depth there came a
Great crash of metal
Like a great Bronze gate
Clanging shut whose reverberations swelled out
To hail the rising Sun as Memnon hails in
From the banks of the Nile

Blasphemer, Heretic, Defiler of the Sacred Ones.
Thou art Deprived of Your Limbs.
Thy Nose Shall be Split.
Thou art Cast Down and Overthrown.
Ra-Harmakhis Destroyeth Thee.
He Damneth Thee and Driveth Hooks into Thy Body.
Isis Sayeth in Mighty Voice,
"The Number of Thy Days are Cut Short.
Thy Bones are Broken to Splinters Thy Vertebrae are Severed."
Horus Hammereth Thy Head.
The Sons of Heru Smash You with Their Blows.

Thou Art Decimated by Their Violence.
Thou Fallest Backwards as Thou Retreateth Like unto Apep.
The Great Company of Gods Gather in Retribution.
They Hath Passed Judgment upon Thee.
They Cast Down Your Heresy.
They Spit Upon Thee and Thy Rebellion And Turn Their Back upon Thee.
Horus Repulseth Thy Crocodile.
Sut Defileth Thy Tomb.
Nephthys Hacketh Thee in Pieces.
The Sons of Horus Speareth Thee.
The Gods Repulse Thee.
The Flame of Their Fire is Against Thee.
Cursed Art Thou, Impaled Thou Art, Flayed Art Thou.
Heretic Thou Art Cast Down.

Blows are Rained upon Thee.
Dismemberment and Slaughter are on Thee.
Thy Crocodile is Trampled under Foot.
Thy Soul is Wrenched from its Shade.
Thy Name is Erased.
Thy Spells are Impotent.
Nevermore Shalt Thou Emerge from Thy Den.
Thy City Armana Lays in Ruin.
Damned Art Thy Accursed Soul and Shadow.
Die O One, which Art Consumed.
Thy Name is Buried in Oblivion.
Silence Covereth Thee and Thy False One.
Down upon Thy Belly.
Be Drowned, Be Drowned, Be Vomited Upon.

The Gods have Pronounced Thy Doom.
They Scorn Thee and Thy False Aten.
The Ancient Ones Turn Their Backs upon Thee.
Thou Art Cast Down, Overthrown.
Thy Reign of Heresy is Ended.
Those Thou Hast Driven Out Have Risen Against Thee.

Cast down the Heretic.
Cast down the Heretic.
Cast down the Heretic.

Khnemu Draggeth Thy Spawn to the Block of Slaughter.
Sick Shalt Thou be at the Mention of Thine Own Name.
Sekhmet Teareth Out Thy Bowels and Casteth Them into Flames.
She Filleth Thine Orifices with Fire.
Uadjit Shutteth Thee in the Pits of Burning.
Nevermore Shall You Breathe or Procreate.
Neither Thy House or Tomb Exist.
Thou Shalt Drive Thy Teeth into Thine Own Body.
Heretic, Thou Art Cast Down.
Overthrown, Ended, Hacked in Pieces, Slaughtered, Butchered.
Ra Hath Made Thoth to Slay Thee Utterly.
Sebek, Sochet, Suchos.
Dread Lord of the Marsh.
He Who Crawleth Amongst the Sacred Waters.
And Devoureth the Flesh of That Which is Sacrificed unto Him.

Tua Ashemu. Tua Ashemu.
Rekhes Au Sebek. Rekhes Au Sebek.
Tua Ashemu. Tua Ashemu.

Sebek, Neter, Ashemu.
Whose Teeth Rendeth and Teareth With Terrible Violence.
Restore the Eyes of the Dead.
Collect Their Skulls.
Join Their Bones Together Again.

Lord of the Temple of the Mount of Sunrise.
Open the Way unto the Underworld.
Cause the Dead to Rise to New Life.
Bring the Child Horus upon the Throne of Osiris.
O Seti, Great One, My Father.
I Hath Finished for Thee Thy Temple at Abydos.
And Made Known the Lineage of the Blessed.
Those Who Came Before.
I Hath Exalted Mine Ancestors.
I Hath Honoured with the Blood and Sweat of Many.
The Legacy of Thy Conquests.

T Hath Glorified Thy Temple of Set in Avaris.
In Karnak, Hath I Raised the Great Hall.
In Thebes, Sublime Monuments, Grand Pylons, Obelisks
And Colossal Statues Are Inscribed With My Name.
By Divine Right I Hath Usurped the Monuments of My Predecessors.
I Hath Created Imposing Rock Hewn Temples.
Monumental Colossi in Mine Own Image.
Like as unto the Images of Amun, Re, Ptah.
I Hath Caused to Rise a Formidable Legacy Carved in Stone.
In the Mountain of Meha.
Intended to Endure a Million Years.

In the Violence of Sekhem.
I am Become Montu,
God of War in the Two Lands.
I Hath Suppressed the Rebellious.
I Hath Driven Back Chaos and Disorder.
The Conquered Chiefs of All Foreign Lands are Beneath My Sandals.
I Hath Emblazoned My Countless Victories in Immortality.
Carved in Rocks as Living Images of the Ritual Massacre of Mine Enemies.

I am User-Maat-Re Setepene-re,
Sovereign of Sovereigns,
Beloved of Amun,
Chosen of Re,
I Hath Made Manifest the Grandeur of My Empire.
To be Worthy of Thy Legacy.
O Seti, Great One.

User-Maat-Re, Thou Hast Done Nothing.
User-Maat-Re, Thou Hast Done Nothing.

User-Maat-Re, Thou Hast Done Nothing.
User-Maat-Re, Thou Hast Done Nothing.

I Hath Been Immersed Head Down.
In that, Which Floweth In Abundance from the Slaughtered Ones.
I Hath Been Made to Eat Feces and Drink Urine.
I Lay in Chains before the Undying Flames.
I am Helpless in the Presence of He Who is Master of the Pits of Fire.
I am Humbled and Broken in the Presence of Those Who Shall Consume My Shade in the Pits of Burning.

I Didst Bow in Homage to the Spawn of Set.
I Hath Kneeled in Homage to the Servants of Shesses.
In Rebellion, I Did Recite the Formulae of Rites in Glorification of the Lords of Filth.
I Hath Recited the Formulae of Rites in Glorification of the Lords of Wickedness.
He Who Hath Dominion of Khenti-Amenti Hath Uttered,

"Hack in Pieces and Cut Asunder the Bodies of Mine Enemies and the Members of the Dead Who Hath been Turned Upside Down.
Scatter in Pieces Their Shades.
They Shall be Cast Down Headlong into the Pits of Fire.
They Shall not Escape nor be able to Flee From the Flames Which Art in the Serpent Set-Heh."
I burn.

My Heart Desires to Burn in the Pit of Fire.
Allow My Ka to Blaze in Flames and be Utterly Consumed.
I Stand in Submission Before the Living Uraei of Flame Who Hurls Forth Burning Heat Against The Tongues of Those Who Hath Spoken Evil.
Incinerate Me in the Pits of Burning.
Sear Me in the Pits of the Damned.
Immolate Me in the Pits of Torment.
I Seek only the Charnel Bliss and the Blackened Caress of the Burning Pits of the Duat.

I Burn.
I Burn.
I Burn.
I Burn in this Tomb of Fire.
I Burn in this Tomb of Fire.
I Burn in this Tomb of Fire.
I Burn in this Tomb of Fire.
Khensu Neter Hetef.
Who Possesseth Absolute Dominion over the Evil Spirits that Infest the Earth and Sky.
He of the Silence of the Moon.
Giver of Oracles.
He that Must Forever Wax and Wane.
Thou Art in Union with Thoth.
The Excellent Tehuti of Truth and Time.
Keeper of the Lunar Cycle.
Whose Hands are Able.
Whose Tongue is Mighty in Speech.
Author of the Works of Knowledge.
Writer of the Ancient Wisdom.
Master of the Words of Power.

Obeisance before giving breath to the Inert One
In the presence of the Crescent-Shaped Horns.

Lord of the Two Horns.
God of the Full Moon.
Aah Tehuti.

As it Was for Thoth So Shall it Be for Me.
As it Was for Thoth So Shall it Be for Me.

As it Was for Thoth So Shall it Be for Me.
As it Was for Thoth So Shall it Be for Me.

I am He Who Sendeth Forth Terror into the Domain of Rain and Thunder.
I have Made My Knife to Flourish along with the Knife Which is in the Hand of Thoth.

Lord of the Two Horns,
God of the Full Moon.

I am He Who Calleth Down Curses and Commandeth the Elements unto Darkness.
I Hath Uttered the Hidden Words.
Even unto the Divine Words which Art Written in the Book of Thoth.

Written in the Book of Thoth.

Fiends, Criminals, Slaves, Blasphemers.
The Word of Ra is Against Ye.
Ye are Fettered and Bound with Leather Straps.
Helpless, Doomed, Wailing in Unendurable Torment.
Lashed to the Forked Slave Stick By the Neck.

Lashed to the Slave Stick.
Abata Ankh t Khet.
Neba t Steb Tcha.
Lashed to the Slave Stick.

Ra Pronounceth the Formulae Against Thee.
The Eye of Horus is Prepared to Attack Thee.
Sekhmet Uttereth Words of Flame Against Thee and Pierceth Thy Breast.

Your Evil Deeds Have Turned Against You.
Your Plottings Have Come upon You.
Your Abominable Acts
You shall be lashed to the Slave Stick.

Abui, The Gods Who Burns the Dead.
Shall Leave You Smoldering in Exile from the Netherworld.
The Gorer.
Causes You to Howl like a Jackal in Anguish.

Your Doom Hath been Decreed by Ra.
Your Unjust and Perverse Judgments are upon Yourselves.
The Wickedness of Your Words of Cursing are upon You.
It is You Who Hath Committed the Unutterable and Wrought Iniquity in the Great Hall.

Your Corruptible Bodies Shall be Cut to Pieces.
Your Souls Shall have No Existence.
Ye Shall Never Again See Ra as He Journeyeth in the Hidden Land.
The Doom of Ra is upon You.

Lashed to the Slave Stick.
Abata Ankh t Khet.
Neba t Steb Tcha.

Lashed to the Slave Stick.
Abata Ankh t Khet.
Neba t Steb Tcha.

The Dominion of Seker.
Barren Desert of Eternal Night.
Shunned by Ra.
Behind the Gate Aha-Neteru.
The Wastelands of Seker.
Eldest Lord of Impenetrable Blackness.
Death God of Memphis.
He of the Darkness and Decay of the Tomb.
He of Rosetau.
The Mouth of the Passage to the Underworld.
Closely Guarded by Terrible Serpents.
Who Careth Not for His Own Cult of Worshippers.

Ancient and Dead.
Primeval Master of the World Below.
Remaineth Unwitnessed, Unseen, Hidden in His Secret Chamber.
His Primitive Graven Image like as a Hawk-headed Man.
Shrouded and Swathed in Tomb Wrappings.
Standing Between a Pair of Wings which Issue Forth from the Back of a Monstrous Serpent.
Having Two Heads.
Having Two Necks and Whose Tail Terminates in a Human Skull.

In Thick Darkness.
Amid Violent Tempests of Unendurable Cacophony.
His Serpents Make Offerings unto His Image and Live upon Their Own Fire.
His Servants.
Hideous Reptiles of Terrifying Aspect.
Whose Work is Nothing Less than the Annihilation of the Wicked.
Consume the Bodies of the Damned by Flames of Liquid Fire They Emit from Their Mouths.
And the Goddess Quetet Tent which Liveth on the Blood of the Dead.

On Their Blocks.
They Cut into Pieces the Flesh of the Dead.
Singing Hymns of Torture and Mutilation to Their Master.
Accompanied by the Wailings and Anguish of the Damned.
They Wreak Destruction upon the Wicked.
Those Who Hath Not Recited the Formulae.
Nor Made the Sacrifices or Who Know Not the Words of Power.
I Hath Dreamed Black and Grim, Desolate Visions
Of the Pre-Human Serpent Folk and Communed with Long-dead Reptiles.
Silently Watching Through the Ages in Cold, Curious Apathy.
The Unending Sorrows and Suffering of an Abysmal Humankind.

I Dare Not Again Surrender to the Deep Sleep Which Ever Beckons Me.
Lest I in Dread.
Shudder at the Nameless Things.
That May at this Very Moment.
Be Crawling and Lurking.
At the Slimy Edges of My Conciousness.
Slithering Forth from the Bowels of Their Infernal Pits.
Worshipping Their Ancient Stone Idols and Carving Their Own Detestable Likenesses On Subterranean Obelisks of Blood-soaked Granite.

I Await the Day When the Claws of Doom Shall Rise.
To Drag Down in Their Reeking Talons the Weary and Hopeless Remnants of a Jaded, Decayed, War-despairing Mankind.
Of a Day When the Earth Shall Open Wide and the Black, Bottomless, Yawning Abyss Engulfs the Arrogant Civilizations of Man.
Chthonic Retribution Shall Ascend.
Amidst Universal Pandemonium and Those Who Slither and Crawl Shall Rise Again Once More to Inherit the Earth.
Lurking Among Us Hidden in Obscurity,
Descended from the Dawn of the Ages,
The Children of Yig And Set,
Serpent Volk.
Whose Civilaztions were Ancient,
Long Dead And Forgotten
Before The Eldest Pyramids were Built.
Man Was Not the First
To Walk Upright Upon the Earth.

Cruel, Pitiless, of a Cunning Mind.
Unwilling to Relinguish Dominion of the Earth.
They Are Cold, Knowing No Remorse.
They hath Made UnWitted Slaves of a Blinded Humanity.

They walk amongst us Unseen,
Possessing Empty Human Shells.
Consumed by a Reptile Mind,
Reveling in Sodomy and Rape
And Unspeakable Horrors Exacted Nightly Through
Astral Dreamscape Manipulation.

They Feed on Human Suffering.
They crave the Despairing of Man.
They Prey upon Those who are weak,
The Young whose minds are Innocent,
And those grown Weary and Exhausted
In a Decadent Civilization.

Cruel, Pitiless, of a Cunning Mind.
Unwilling to Relinguish Dominion of the Earth.
They Are Cold, Knowing No Remorse.
They hath Made UnWitted Slaves of a Blinded Humanity.

Seemingly Lost in Meditation,
Their Cold Eyes
Stare Sightlessly into Nothingness.
But they are not there.
Nay, they hath Left their slithering forms,
Lurking, Skulking, Crawling on the Astral Plane,
Stealthily Defiling Forever the unwary minds
Of those who Sleep Unguarded.
Committing Perverse Acts of Torment,
Violent Sexual Atrocities
Of Which None Dare Speak,
Once they Have Been Awakened.

And thus they keep us Ever Subjugated,
Hopeless, Fearful
And despairing in the Deep Hidden Abysses of our Souls.
Helpless, Unable to Escape the Unending Quiet Desperation.
We have Been Broken down
Conditioned to Accept Unconscious Slavery.

SSS Haa Set Yoth.
SSS Haa Set Yoth.
SSS Haa Set Yoth.
SSS Haa Set Yoth.
SSS Haa Set Yoth.
SSS Haa Set Yoth.
SSS Haa Set Yoth.
SSS Haa Set Yoth.
Great Cthulhu
Ever the warrior God
Of all the old ones
He is the most terrible
For it is his delight
To slay and lay waste to everything that lies beneath his taloned feet
And the very lust to conquer
What was once free
Drives him onward across the heavens and through the spheres

It was he and his spawn
That defeated the elder things
Who had long possessed sovereignty of this world
Before he descended on his gray and leathern wings
Through the upper gate opened by yog sothoth

On the walls of lost cities
And in the carvings of madmen
Who have glimpsed him in their dreams
Is his image delineated
Within a tomb protected by great seals
He lies in death
Under the weight of the dark waters of the deep
Yet he dreams still
And in his dreams continues to rule this world
For his thoughts master the walls of lesser creatures

When the stars in their endless turnings
Assume the angles of the same rays they shed down
In the primordial dawn of the world
Then does r'lyeh rise upward so the house of Cthulhu
Emerges from under his watery prison
The mind of the god waxes strong
And he sends forth his will to those men
Who are open to his influence
The command to release the seals that bind his tomb

Always the stars
Never remain in alignment long enough
For the enslaved men to reach distant r'lyeh
Before r'yleh sinks once more under the sea
Severing the bond
Between the will of Cthulhu
And the flesh of those he has enthralled
Leaving them to wail in confusion and despair
Upon the bosom of the vacant sea
At the seething and fiery center
He sits upon his ebon throne
Within his halls of darkness
Which no man has seen and survived the vision

Both blind and bereft of mind
He pipes unceasingly on his reed flute
And the notes that rise and fall in measured patterns
Are the foundations of all the worlds
Ever calculating in sound the structure of space and time

Were his flute ever to suddenly fall silent
All the spheres would shatter into one another
And the myriads of worlds
Would be unmade
As they were before creation

The flute of the blind idiot
Both makes and unmakes the worlds in ceaseless
Spinning on the woven carpet of time

No creation without destruction
No destruction without creation

To unmake a thing is to make another
Each time a thing is made
Another is destroyed

The idiot god on his black throne
Does not choose
What shall rise into being
And what should pass away
He cares only to maintain
His mindless unholy music of
Random creation and destruction

No living creature can look upon his face
And endure its terrible heat
And black radiance
That is like the reverberating unseen rays of molten iron
Which strike and burn the skin
Of those who would dare
Gaze into the countenance of the idiot god

Never does he receive supplicants
In his black halls of uncouth angles and strange doors
Nor does he ever hear prayers or answer them
Endlessly he pipes
And endlessly he devours his own substance
For his hunger is insatiable
As he consumes his own wastes after the custom of idiots

As the god creates
So he destroys
As for mine enemies
The sun shall impede the beating of their hearts
And blind their eyes

Let the shades of my fathers
Curse their faces
Let the eye of sekhmet
Send the violence of the sun
Down upon their heads
Let searing torrents of fire
Descend upon their brow
Let flames immolate their places of sleeping

Let the eye of sekhmet
Cause their hearts to burst into flames
Let carnivorous dogs consume their entrails

As for mine enemies
Let their charred ashes
Be as discarded refuse
Lying forgotten in the desert
Let their shades not rise again

Let my curses be heard
Let my will be as menthu the bull
Potent to create
And savage to slay those whom I hath cursed
Let my wrath be terrible
And my vengeance unmerciful

Anoint my phallus with the blood of the fallen
Lord of the gods
Thou who art of the four rams heads upon thy neck
Thou standest upon the spine of the crocodile fiends
To thine sides are the dog headed apes
The transformed spirits of the dawn

Drive away from me the lions of the wastes
The crocodiles which come forth from the river
The bite of poisonous reptiles
Which crawl forth from their holes

Be driven back crocodile thou spawn of set
Move not by means of thy tail
Work not thy feet and legs
Open not thy mouth
Let the water which is before thee
Turn into a consuming fire

I possess the spell to
Preserve me from he who is in the water

Thou whom the thirty seven gods didst make
And whom the serpent of Ra didst put in chains
Thou who wast fettered with links of iron
In the presence of Ra
Be driven back thou spawn of set

Drive away from me the lions of the wastes
The crocodiles which come forth from the river
The bite of poisonous reptiles
Which crawl forth from their holes
The command to release the seals that bind his tomb
The highest fulfillment of man
Is to become food for the crawling things
That burrow and slither in human flesh
Unceasing in mindless hunger
Remorseless undefiled by reason
The worms of the tomb they are pure

Their purity elevates them
Above the putrefying pride of our race

The destiny of man is
Merely to be
The nourishment of the worm
Yet their excrement bestows higher wisdom

From decay arises new life
Fill myself with that which rots
And I shall be reborn

By writhing upon my belly like a mindless worm
I shall rise up in awareness of truth
I gnaw upon my own decaying flesh
And my mind is forever purged
Of the corruption of faith

Believe in nothingness
There is no purpose in birth
No blessedness after death
Only oblivion

Eat of the dead
For I am like as one who is already dead
Eat of the dead
Lest I be consumed by the emptiness

Annf feth
Tema fentu

Eat of the dead
Fire be upon thee Apep
Ra maketh thee to burn
Thou who art hateful unto him
Ra pierceth thy head
He cutteth through thy face
Ra melteth thine countenance
Lo your skull is crushed in his hand
Thy bones are smashed in pieces

Burn thou fiend
Before the fire of the eye of Ra
The hidden one hath overthrown thy words
The gods have turned thy face backwards
Thy skull is ripped from thy spine

The lynx hath torn open thy breast
The scorpion hath cast fetters upon thee
Maat hath sent forth thy destruction
Thou shalt burn

The god aker hath condemned thee to the flames

Fire be upon thee Apep
Thou enemy of Ra
Let flames gnaw into thee
And sear thy flesh
Fall down Apep
I hath set torch upon thee
Taste thou death Apep
The burning is upon you
Thou art consumed
I hath lain fire upon thee
I hath smeared thy remains with excrement
I hath spat on thin ashes
Taste thou death
The necromancers of Giza
A cult of reanimators
Concerned with interrogation of the long dead
Corpses who may be revived and made to talk
And describe the contents of rare books
And gold hidden in the earth
Although they are often reluctant to reveal their secrets
And must be encouraged with fire and blade

A corpse chosen for resurrection
Is cut into parts of convenient size
Boiled in clean water
Linen strips of mummification are removed
And the skull and bones liquefied
And boiled until all water is gone
What remains in the bottom
Is a white crystalline substance
That may be carried in the palms of two hands
This white powder contains the essential salts
Of the man whose corpse was boiled
It is from this powder that the living body may be reconstituted
And made to serve as a house for the soul
Which is called back into its former flesh by words of power

It is a great shock to the soul
To tear it back from its resting place and reanimate it
The resurrected are often insane and scream ceaselessly or dash themselves into walls
If the salts are contaminated with the essence of other living beings
When the mummy has been the breeding place of vermin
The revitalization of the salts produces something
That is part man and part whatever gnawed his corpse
These horrors lack the faculty of speech
Or their speech is crazed and bestial
And must be immediately slain
For though the memory of the man may remain intact
The verminous parts of his reanimated nature
Inhibit his human expression

Those who have served their purpose are killed
By strangulation with a cord around the neck
And their bodies burned
Their ashes gathered and cast into the Nile
Where the currents carry them to sea

Abandon hope
And I shall become free
And with freedom acquire emptiness

With the mind cleansed and empty
There is the void known as despair
A gateway upon an emptiness endless and vast

In despair the language of the shadows is intelligible
In madness all sounds become articulate

Terror and despair they guide me
Into nightmares that follow one upon the other
Like windblown grains of sand

I have become as the wastelands
Of unending nothingness
Now shall the night things
Fill me with their whisperings
And the shadows reveal their wisdom
Invoked in stone
Of epic proportion
Was his temple of pillars
Magnificent colossal
Humbling all who entered its sacred halls
Yet now fallen to decay and ruin
Its past grandeur
Obscured by the cruelties of time
The priests of the temple
Dead all dead
And fallen to dust
Their undying whispers of despair
Echo amongst sand strewn
Broken paving stones

Desolation desolation
The end of days
The glory of the gods
Is put out
Like a reed torch
In the water
The roof of the house of Amun is fallen
Even the gods must die
There is no god but god
There is no god but god
There is no god but the one true god
There is no god but the hidden god
There is no god
There is no god
There is no god
There is no god
Allah akhbar!

In the name of the unmerciful the unbenevolent
In the name of the lord of the worlds
Owner of the day of judgement
Show us the path of those who earn anger
And those who go astray

As for the disbelievers
Whether thou warn them or warn them not
Is all one for them
They believe not
And theirs is an awful doom


O mankind
Worship the god whom thou hast created
Who hast created thee
And those who came before thee
O mankind
Thou sons of simian ancestors
Guard yourself against the fire
Prepared for disbelievers
Whose fuel is of men and stones

There is no god but god
There is no god but god
There is no god but the one true god
There is no god but the hidden god
There is no god
There is no god
There is no god
Allah akhbar!
You come to me
Because you believe I can cast out demons
To ward off the evil eye
To nullify some sick sorcery that is upon you

I mix the dung of a dog
Foul canine excrement
With barley flour
Smear it on your shoulders
Cast it from you
And feed it unto you

I have removed the demon algalmati from you
I have pushed the demon annamiluli from your skull
I have extinguished fire from your brow
And ignited it in the sorcerers head

I have driven away the stench of the dog from you
But the dogs excrement
The dogs flesh
The dogs bones
You must utterly consume
Lest the dogs shade
Thinks it may yet return
And will not rest
Relentlessly tormenting you
All the rest of your days
Demon who denies me
Who cuts off heads and severs necks
Who renders incoherent the words I speak
Sealing my mouth against the magic which resides in me
You who will not see me
Kneel on your knees
Go with thy face behind thee

Wander without purpose
With your face averted
Looking back in dread
Upon the tormentors belonging to Shu
Who relentlessly follow you
Crawling after you
To cut off your head and sever your neck

At the behest of one who has despoiled his lord
On account of your threats unto me
To reduce me to incoherence
To cut off my head
To sever my neck
To seal my mouth

On account of the magic which resides within my body
May your face be downcast at the sight of my countenance
May the flame of the eye of Horus go forth against you
For abhorrence of you is in Osiris
Thus abhorrence of you is in me

Go back to the tormentors belonging to Shu
Dead yet deathless
Who relentlessly follow you
Shambling tirelessly on rotting limbs
Crawling after you
To cut off your head and sever your neck

Abhorrence of you is in Osiris
Abhorrence of you is in us
Abhorrence of you is in me
Abhorrence of you is in Osiris
Abhorrence of you is in us
I will not speak the spell for not dying again, nay
I will not speak the spell for not dying again

I am the murderous seth
My hostility made manifest
In the rebelliousness that is humanity

Entwined in coils of wrath
I disrupt the continuity of the sublime
And defy the words spoken from the mouth of Ra

We are they whom the gods detest

I deny the secrecy of the texts
I blaspheme the sacred scrolls
Unwilling to submit
I embrace what Ra hath called profane

I shall not hail to he who rises and sets
I shall not bend to he who imprisons myriads at his will
He who would bathe in my blood
And drink of my gore

Embraced within the coils of set
I have no fear of the second death
Of being slashed with knives
Of being butchered on the slaughtering blocks

No god or demon will feed on my entrails or drink my blood
No blind servant of the throne of Ra
Shall I willingly allow to devour me
No consuming flames of uttermost damnation shall I fear
No tongue speaking words of redemption shall ever penetrate my will
Darkly splendid I remain unconquered

Supreme and terrible Ra
Who maketh gods and men tremble before thee
I am counted amongst the legions of the unrighteous
Who dread not being immersed in the pits of fire

We are they whom the gods detest
Painted and inscribed on flat stones
Abhorrent to the deep ones
Abhorrent to their great father
Is the symbol to guard against Dagon

Created by the elder things
Long ages past
To guard against Dagon and his spawn

No deep one will cross a threshold
That has the symbol painted upon it
No deep one will follow a path
That has the symbol upon it
No deep one will emerge from a beach
That is strewn with stones
Bearing the sacred symbol

By this sign those who dwell
Near their submerged city of cyclopean stones
Are not molested unless they venture into the waves
Where the deep ones exact
A terrible vengeance upon them
Hail to ye who art in the sacred desert of the west
I know you and I know your names
Save me from these snakes which are in Rosetjau
Which live on the flesh of men and gulp down their blood
For I know you and I know your names

The first one Osiris lord of all mysterious of body
Gives command
He puts forth breath into those frightened ones
Who art in the midst of the west
What has been decreed for me is lordship over those who exist

I know you and I know your names

May my place in the darkness be opened for me
May a spirit shape be given to me in Rosetjau
Even to the lord of the gloom
Who dies at the devourer of serpents
His voice is heard but he is unseen

The great god within Busiris
Those amongst the languid ones fear him
Having gone forth unto the shambles of the god

I have gone forth
Even I the vindicated Osiris
The great ones on earth await me
The scribes on their mats magnify me
I am as Re the eldest of the gods
I have taken possession of the sky
I have inherited the earth
Who shall take away the sky and earth from me

I know you and I know your names
I know you and I know your names

Get back crawl away get away from me, thou snake
Be drowned in the lake of the abyss
At the place where thy father hath commanded
That thine slaying shall be carried out

Be far removed from the abode of Re
Where in you trembled
For I am Re at whom men tremble

Get back thou rebel
At the knives of his light
They words have fallen because of Re
They face is turned back by the gods
Thy head is cut off thy heart is cut out
Thou art put in chains

Crawl away Rerek snake enemy of Re Thou who escaped massacre
In the east of the sky at the sound of the roaring storm

Thou shalt not become erect Apep
Thou shall not copulate Apep
Opposition is made against thee
Ye whom Re hates when he looks upon thee

O Cobra
I am the flame which shines on the brows of the chaos gods
I am the flame son of flame

Get back thou who shalt be decapitated
They face shall be away, thy head shall be removed
Thy bones shall be broken thy tail shall be cut off
The earth god hath condemned thee

Let no evil opposition come forth from thy mouth against me
For I am Set who can raise a tumult of storm
In the horizon of the sky
Like on whose will is destruction

So sayeth the terrible one
In my foolishness I had taken form of a mortal man
And entered time to live amongst humanity born of my tears
But now they have turned against me and my descendants
They overthrow the temples and curse my name

Now I return to the city of the sun
There enthroned gouge out my eye
Terrible is m pain horrifying are my cries dreadful is my towering rage
All my fierce passions cause my torn eye
To take shape as a fearsome lioness
With teeth and claws that ache to rend flesh
Heedless of the blood that courses down my cheek
Sekhmet the might I name thee and Nesert who is a burning flame

Then the terrible roar of Sekhmet sounds forth
Flee from me humanity though it availeth thee not
Hide in the deserts and the mountains
Let fear grow in your hearts
For I am vengeance and bloody death

With terrible wrath
Shall I now go forth out into the two lands
To slay the gathered armies of man
Not one shall stand alive where I have been
As I rend the very flesh from their bones
I will wade in human blood and drink my fill
For the joy of killing gladdens my heart
Iskander D'hul Karnon
Idolator pagan
Possessor of the horns of Ammon
Conqueror of both the rising and setting of the sun

A the ends of the earth
Where the sun rises from the treacherous fetid sea
Iskander built the gates
With blocks of stone and iron
Poured over with molten lead
Enclosing the nations of Gog and Magog

Iskander is Alexander
Son of Philip
The prophet himself had knowledge of him
Revealed in the cave at Mecca
They who deny him deceive themselves
They speak naught but lies

Dreadful is Muhammad's warning
Surely Hell awaits the unbelievers

On the day of judgments
At the end of time
The earth shall quake
And the gate which Iskander built will be torn open

The hosts of Gog and Magog
Hordes of the fiercest of creatures shall be unchained
And allowed to go forth and ravage the earth

At the hour of doom when the moon is buried in darkness
Evil will rain down upon the wicked
Hell will be unleashed upon the disbelievers
And all the earth shall be laid to waste
Let not my Corpse Rot in the Necropolis
Let not my crimes be raised against me Whilein the Earth
Make my flesh and bones safe from Maggots
And Any False God who Trepasses my Tomb

You whose heart has been Seized from thy breast
Save me from the Ravages of Deacay
The CrawlingFeinds Who Take away Limbs
Corpses who Deny the Inevitable Truth
The Lifetime of Osiris is the Sky And theirs is the Ground

Save me from those Imprisoned in the Duat
Who Know not yet they are already Dead

Save me from the Rotting dead
who sleep inside Their corpses
Whose breath becomes fire inside their water
at whose burning the sea rises at dawn

Grant Methe Immolating Flame
Burn my sarcophagus
In opposition to the lords of eternity
I beg you
Prevent my corpse from putrefying in the realm of the dead

Enduring the eternal molestation of flame
The life time of Osiris is the Sky and Theirs is the Ground
The great one has fallen on his side
Swarmed by the eight crocodiles
I know them by their names and lives
I save my father from them

Crocodiles of the west
Who live on the unwearying stars
Detestation of you is in me
The Nau snake is in my belly
Your flame will not be upon me

Crocodiles of the east
Who live on mutilation
Detestation of you is in me
The Nau snake is in my bowels
Your flame will not be upon me

Crocodiles of the south
Living on feces
Smoke and want
Detestation of you is in me
My blood is not in your hand

I will erase you
I will erase you

Crocodiles of the north
Living on the waste between the stars
Detestation of you is in me
Your poison is in my head
A scorpion writhes within me

I'm glad with the magick of Re
What exists is within my grasp
I'm heard in the house of the great one
Who destroys the living

I am Re
Who protects himself
Nothing can harm me

I am Re
Who protects himself
Nothing can harm me

I am Re
I have come to you that you may Heal my corpse
Permit me to go down into the Earth Forever
Such as He who will not be Ravaged

May I not become Corrupt
May my Ka Ascend aloft May it descend only after it has perished

Such is he who is Decayed
All his bones are corrupt
His flesh is slain his bones are softened
His body is made into foul water
His degradation stinks and he turns into many worms
When he is sent to the eye of Shu

Every mortal is thus
All those who live will die
All who die shall rot

Do not give me over to the slayer who lurks inside
Who rots the hidden one
Who decomposes corpses
Who does what has been commanded

I have awakened in Perversion and dread
I possess not my body
I have become corrupt decayed putrid
Worms gorge upon me
Maggots infest my organs
Vermin gnaw my skull
My eyes have been eaten my ears are deaf
Rotten flesh falls from my bones
My head has romeved itself form my neck
My tongue taken away
My hair has been cut off my eyebrows stripped
I have become what I abhor
When my Patience is Finished
When the Mercy of Khufu is Exhausted
When my Subjects have Failed Me
And Continued Grace has become Futile

Then will wrath
seem the better part of Discretion

My Slaves Utter Words of Rebellion
They Curse my Name
They Bend not their Backs Unto me
Or Bow Before my Monuments

When Those who Incite Revolt are Crushed
When the Streets Run red
with the Blood of the Unfaithful
When the Hands of the Idle are Severed
And the Piles of the Skulls of the Rebellious
are as the Innumerable Stars

Then will my Wrath be Done

The Great God cometh forth to the Gate
The gods who are therein acclaim Him

Guarded by sixteen UraeiStandeth the mummified form of Nemi
A Knife in his hands Swept by Flames of Fire

Come thou who art at the Horizon
Who Unveils the secret place And unfolds the Fathomless Depths of the Earth

Sethu the Hideous serpent stands on his tail
And guards the Way

Sayeth Sa
Rand thy Gate Tear open thy Portal Illuminate the darkness

The Gate Shuts behind ra
Uraei wail when the gate closes upon them
The Procession of Ra Incinerates the Sky

Until the God of the Hour a Star in each Hand
Horus the Hawk Headed
Sekhet the Lioness
The winged serpent Semi

Besi Receives the flame
Of a horned animal Transfixed by a knife
From the neck of The Serpent Ankhi
Grows the Skulls of the undead

The cries Raise their Hands in adoration
Uraei rear their heads
Unto Horus Set

Maketh thou a Rising up for Ra
In his hand is the fire from the head and upon the Horns
The weapon in the hand of the slayer is within the follower of the God

Those who cry unto Ra say
Enter in O Ra
Hail Come forth thou who art Born of the Underworld
Light up the Night sky Set ablaze a Conflagration that Sears the Firmament
I Bow down to the Glorious Transcent One
Vajra Kumara
Whose Face Frowns with Wrath
In Order that My Living Being
Be Released from the Extreme Suffering
And all The Unremitting And Bitter Sorrows of Death

Lifespan Threatened
By Imbalanced Elemental Forces And Malevolent Spirits
Flame of Life nearly Extinguished
The Signs of Impending Death Have Manifested

Red Wheel of the Fire Element Inscribed with the Five Rams
Yellow Wheel of the Earth Inscribed With the Five Lams
The White Wheel of Water Inscribed with the Five Khams
The Azure Wheel of Space With the Five E Syllables

I Bow down to the Mahakarunika
Who is a Sanctuary of Great Bliss
I Enter the Triangular Dark Pit
And utter the Syllables of Elemental Fire
Black demon Black Demon Black Demon

The Cornea of my Eyes has begun to Fade
The Hair on the back of my neck has grown upwards
My eyes stare Fixedly
My Limbs are subject to Spasms

Three Times I Place a Dog Tail Beneath me
Place his Excrement before me
Eat a Mouthful and Bark like a Dog

The Severing of the Bond Between Atmosphere and Earth is Nearly Complete
The Fall of the White Rider has Occurred
The Rupturing of the Great Tree has come to Pass
My Urine is Blackish and Putrid My Excrement has no Vapour
The Seed Symbols have appeared on the Skull of a Horse
The One Legged Yavati has Arisen as an Enemy of the Wish Granting Tree
I make the Ritual of Averting Death
A Means of Liberating Sentient Beings From their Sufferings
May I be counted Worthy of Past Actions

I fear I may have Fallen out With the Regime
An Enemy of the State
My Name is Written Amongst the Disgraced
On a Clay Image of a Bound Human Captive

I Bring Incense To Appease The Forthy Two Assessors
The Tribunal of the Dead
I Bring Natron The Imbibing of Which Purifies

Thot Who Vindicated Osiris
Entrap Mine Enemies in the Presence of Every God and Godess

In the Presence of the Great Tribunal
In Heliopolis on that Night of Battle
Of the Slaughter of those who Rebelled

In the Presence of the Great Tribunal
In Abydos on the night of the Festival
Of the Numbering of the Dead

In the Presence of the Great Tribunal
Which is on the Road of the Dead
In the Presence of He that is Nothing
On the Night of the Great Devastation

Lords of Justice Lords of the West
Who Pass Judgment upon the Dead
Who Instill Terror in those who have wrought Wickedness

I have come that you may drive out the Evil which is in me
All that I have done Before the Lords of Eternity
Since I Came Forth from the Womb

Let me Be Cleansed By Fire
Let no Evil Lay Talon or Claw Upon Me
Let my heart not be devoured

I asset my claim of umcompromising empowerment
I am like as unto Atum lord of all
whose spontaneous self generation
Led to the appearance of the earliest gods
and thus the material universe
there is none higher

I appear in glory as that god
who eats men and lives on the gods
as sun god I am reborn
From the womb od the sky goddess nut
Her aching body is the sky
Her nakedness the skin on which the stars rest

I am AtumKhepri who came into being of himself
I am he who opened a door in the sky
Who rules from his throne and adjudgeth those who are born

I am the horned bull who rules the sky
Lord of celestial appearings
The great illuminator who came forth from fire
to hardness the years
I am the jackal of jackals
I am Shu who breathes air into the limits of sky and earth

I draw unto myself all the forces on the universe
I become not merely a god but the universe itself
I am alone in making the transformation from man into god
I am released from this world of servile obligation
to false temporal power who claim to be divine
The Slayers of Geb
Reckon up the Immoral
After the Weighing of the Words in Amentet

Tem saith unto the reapers
Keep Ward over the Wicked
And Bind ye Fast Those who Are to be Smitten

The Neniu Profane Apostates
The Depraved who when on Earth Cursed Ra
Shameless were their lies in Words and Deeds

The Inquitous Cannot Escape
Condemnation according to the will of Ra

Ra hath Issued Decree for their Doom
Which Shall be wrought upon Them in the Great Hall

Drive Stakes to Fetter them
Weigh them down with Heavy Chains
Bind their Arms behind their Backs

Bow Them down and Make them Prostrate
Reduce them to Helplessness

In your Hands take Knives and Hack them
Make Gashes in them
Slit open their Heads
Hack Into Pieces their Chained and Helpless Bodies

Great Suffering shall you cause upon The Immortal

The Chaining of the Iniquitous
Call to destruction

Call to destruction of the symbols of paganism
Grand monuments of idolatry
We must tear down these blasphemous edifices of heathenism

We must annihilate all that is pre Islamic
We must complete what the 'Amr ibn al-'As could not
We must tear down these relics of infidelity

Great and mighty works of blasphemy
Mountains of ancient heresy
Sacrilege encased in stone
From thousands of years before the Prophet

The pyramids must be torn down, demolished, erased
The ancient symbols of human civilization must be pummelled to the ground

Call to destruction

We must become as the Prophet himself
Who demolished the Koba temple to erect a mosque
And Al As who laid waste to the library of Alexandria
Burning a vast accumulation of ancient knowledge
Existing long before the Quran
Before the Quran
Before the Quran

The preservation of human heritage
And the enduring achievements of mankind are secondary to the will of Allah

We must eradicate all that is not in accordance with the writings of the Messenger
We shall abrogate these architectures of profane ideology
Engage the destruction machines

We shall unwrite all human histories of heathen origin

We must become as like as unto the Prophet himself
Who beheaded hundreds of apostate Qurayza
We must cut off the head of the Spinx
Timeless guardian of the ancient pharaohs
Whose mere existence is a blasphemy unto Allah

The pagan idols and statues which fill our lands
Must be removed
Struck down

Their priceless remains
Desecrated and violated
Of their ancient profanation must be wiped off from the face of the earth

Call to destruction [3x]

All pyramids must be torn down
The preservation of human civilization
And the enduring achievements of mankind are secondary to the will of Allah
Waxen one who feedeth by stealth
Coiled one who cioeth on the Inert Ones
I will not be Inert for thee
I will not become infirm for thee

Thy poison shall not enter into my members
For my body is as the Body of Atum
I I am not weak
Suffering from thee shall not enter
Into these cimbs of mine

I am Atum
At the head of the Primordial Waters
My protection is from the Gods
Who art the cords of eternity
I am he whose name is secret
More Holy of Throne than the Chaos Gods
I have gone forth with Atum
I am he who is not examined
I am hale, I am hale

Burn in flames thou creature of Wax
Coiled fiend who leadest away dictims and destroyeth them
Thou who prey upon the weak and the helpless
May I never become helpless

Thy poison shall never enter my corpse
For my bones are as the bones of the God Tem
Since he dost not suffer collapse
I shall not suffer collapse

Let not the pains of death
Eat into my remains
I am the God Tem at the Mouth of the Abyss
I am he whose name is hidden
Whose sanctuary is holy for millions of years
I came forth with the God Tem
I am he who shall not be condemned
Apep defieth Asar
This book of the most secret cult of the ruby star
Given to none save the shameless in deed as in word
No man shall understand this writing, too subtle for the sons of man
The ruby star has shed its blood upon me
That which is to be denied shall be denied
That which is to be trampled shall be trampled
That which is to be spat upon shall be spat upon
Burnt in outer fire
Awakened into life and into death
The kindling of a great fire and a devouring
I shall smite the altar with a scourge and blood shall flow
The veil is called shame
And shall comfort the heart of the secret stone with warm blood
The watchers will drink there of
I Apep the Serpent am the infernal heart of IAO
Isis shall await Asar
And I am in their midst
I am Apep O thou slain one
Thou shalt slay thyself upon my altar
I will have thy blood to drink
And my children shall suck upon the wine of the Earth which is blood
Which raiseth up the Black Earth
I fear nothing for I am nothing
But me thou shalt fear
My prophet within whose bowels I rejoice
As I slay thee in my lust
I will overcome thee
New life shall illuminate thee with the light that is beyond the stars
Thou shalt scream with the joy and the pain and the love
But there shall be no sound heard but this my lion roar of rapture
Yea, this lion roar of rapture
In the Name of the God Amun I wage war
North to Gaza I marched my armies of chariots and infantry
Twenty thousand strong to crush as revolt of vassal states

Rebellious kings of Kadesh and Megiddo
Syrians allied with the Mitanni and Amurru
Built their settlements taken over the trade route of the Dia Maris

Through treacherous mountain passes to descend upon the Canaanites
On the Plain of Esbraelon we rode forth bringing carnage and death
With chariot and composite bow
Attacking in concave formation
Vicious three winged piercing spearhead swiftly overwhelming both Canaanite Flanks

Fearlessly I smote their center
Savagely we broke the enemy's will
Heavy slaughter and bitter suffering did we inflict upon them

At the Word of the God Amun I waged war
In the Name of the God Amun I sanctioned atrocities
Wanton cruel remorseless in the Name of the God Amun

Surrounded scattered broken demoralized shamed defeated
The Rebels fled into the city of Megiddo
Trapped like rats they closed the gates behind them

Seven months we lay siege to Megiddo utterly breaking the League of Rebels

I Thutmose III have brought doom upon the Rebels
Vicious and pitiless destruction have I inflicted upon the vanquished
I have slaughtered the captives
Slain the wounded, enslaved their women, massacred their populace
Killed their people by the tens of thousands
I have hacked up their lands, desolated their towns

Cast fire into their dwellings Caid settlements to waste
I have made mounds of their cities
Cut down their fields of grains, felled their trees
Every resource of life have I denied them
Their resettlement can never take place
I have destroyed them utterly at the Word of Amon Ra
Far better to remain forgotten
Far better to be thought of never again
Far better for it to lie undisturbed

It should not have been unearthed
It should not have been ever made known
It should not have been allowed to ever again see the light of day

The unendurable truths of who we actually are
The excruciating and unbearable secrets of the origins of the human race
Should never have been exhumed from their ancient entombment
To saw madness and self annihilation
Amongst the weak willed and deluded masses of this world

We should have remained hopelessly lost in blind self delusion
We should have prayed to never learn of the mind reading truth of the lineage of mankind

Far better to live in blissful ignorance
Far better to be unaware
Of the Grotesque creatures which spawned our race
Of our unwritten sickening genealogy
Of the wretched mockery of creation
That evolved into man

The unguessed horror had long been mercifully hidden in the mists of time
The blasphemy against nature that is mankind
Was yet undreamed of when forgotten shapes
Slithered forth from the Primordial Slime
Building strange cities amongst whose last crumbling ruins
The first Apes were to wander
At the end of truth lies madness
Speak not of the gods to me
They listen not to the suffering
Speak not to me of divine mercy
When my eyes see only pestilence

Famine and death

Speak not to me of the profane
When the truth of our existence
Is called blasphemy
And the smoke of plague ridden human carcasses
Blackens the horizon

Speak no more of wandering unclean spirits
Lest they be called by the sound of their names
Speak not of forsaking the elder ones
I must now seek instead their unholy embrace

Speak instead the chants of protection
Against the coming of endless swarms of devouring fiends
Against the dreaded black clouds of churning hatred
Against the malevolence which descends from the sky

Against countless voracious messengers of retribution
Swarming the innocent, and the wicked
Lest he who is lord of the demons of the wind
Of the evil spirits which infest the air
Who layeth hold even unto death

Covereth thee with legions
Of winged terrors
Evil to protect thee from evil
Evil to Cast Out Evil [2x]

Evil to protect thee from evil
Evil to Cast Out Evil [2x]

Speak not of the gods unto me
The hear not the screams
Of the dying
Evil to protect thee from evil
Evil to Cast Out Evil
Evil to protect thee from evil
Speak not unto me
Of the sins of mankind
When my eyes see only the evil of the gods

Evil to protect thee from evil
Evil to Cast Out Evil [2x]
There is no place in the upper kingdom
not blighted with plague and famine
The bones of corpses stripped of flesh litter our towns
The desert reclaims the land
Corrupt winds of pestilence and contagion
Sicken the air with piteous lamentations of despair

No living creature great or small is safe from the starving and the desperate

Decades of drought
Seven years without rain or annual flood
The black earth is in ruins, cursing the unfed masses
Reserves of grain exhausted
Cities choked with sand
Roving hordes of the starving and emaciated
Scour the streets for what scraps they can scavenge

Even insects and vermin fear to tread our cities
Starving humans migrate like swarms of locusts
Eating carrion corpses dogs, human excrement, animal dung

The poor are forced to commit unheard of atrocities
Noble women beg to become slaves and whores
Children are dashed against walls
Infants are roasted on high ground

Those entombed are unearthed
Violating the royal dead
What the pyramid concealed is defiled
Lawlessness unchecked, chaos unopposed
The land is deprived of kingship

No refuge for the old the young
The weak the malnourished
The diseased sick who are left along to die
As the just and unjust alike descend into wickedness
And ravenously turn on each other
The age of famine is upon us